St. Mary's Hospital

Based on 10 reviews


109 month ago
Rafal W
120 month ago
At A&E a nurse decide if you need urgent care or you should go to emergency department, so if it's serious, make it more dramatic, otherwise they'll discharge you to home. So don't risk.
Rafal W
120 month ago
If your life is at risk and the time matters, don't go to A&E (there are 3-7 hour queues, even in the evening). Call 999 or 112 for emergency, 111 for medical help fast.
Rafal W
120 month ago
Now they introduced ticketing systems in A&E and the queue is going increadibly slow, so it could be an hour until you could talk to any human being at the reception and another hour for a nurse!
Rafal W
120 month ago
If you need confirmation of your admission to hospital (e.g. for your work or solicitor), normally they say they don't do that, so fight with bureaucracy!
Rafal W
120 month ago
If they say you can't have X-Rays or they ask you why (because!), they lie. You can have them all (past or even these from Fracture Clinic) burned on the CD. You've to go to 3rd floor and just ask.
Rafal W
120 month ago
If you're waiting in A&E and it's serious, tell them that you feel you're going to faint, and if they don't help you, you'll call for ambulance. Otherwise they'll ignore you and you'll wait few hours.
Rafal W
120 month ago
When you feeling weak and dizzy after surgery, probably you lost a lot of blood or anaesthesiologist gave you to less air, but they won't tell you this. You need now lots of vitamins to recover.
Rafal W
120 month ago
When you feeling weak and dizzy after surgery and ask to go home, try to stay at the hospital a bit longer. They'll be trying to push you to get rid of you, so don't listen to them.
Rafal W
120 month ago
If you think you broken something and they don't want to X-Ray (b y don't need? they lie!), try to push them, don't be weak. It's not about health, they're trying to save the money or are too busy.